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Before you make any purchase, be sure to read the EdX Review

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An edX review will help you to identify a few key points. First, there are over 3,000 courses at university level. Second, it also offers a free audit track, financial aid, and professional education courses. It also offers a variety of courses, including business and art history. You can take a free trial course to find out which one suits you best.

edX offers 3,000 courses at the university level

edX, a global online education company, provides access to 3,000 university level courses through more than 250 partners. Its mission, is to make education accessible to all. The online courses are taught and managed by highly qualified instructors. They cover everything from basic topics to advanced career-focused topics. You can choose from subjects such as Business Engineering, Design, Data Science and Business. You can take as few courses as you want, and you can even get a degree.

There is no other educational resource that offers such high-quality content. More than 160 top-ranked universities worldwide offer over 3,000 degree-granting courses. You can sign up for the course at no cost and take it on your own schedule. You can also purchase homework, exams, or certification. The cost of tuition is just a fraction that of traditional universities. More than 160 universities and educational institutions support the edX platform.

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It provides financial assistance

edX provides financial assistance for students who cannot afford full tuition but still wish to continue their education. The company has a variety of programs and courses available around the world. Financial aid is similar to a scholarship, but you must apply for it. Once you are approved, you will be able to access these funds for tuition. You can apply for a certificate course or a degree program.

To apply for financial assistance, you need to enroll in a course offered by edX and have a Coursera account. While the application is free, financial aid applications must be submitted via an account. The financial aid application is only accessible on computers. It cannot be completed from a mobile device. Once you submit your application, you will get a code that will enable you to receive upto 90% off the total tuition.

It also offers a free audit track

You may be wondering if EdX offers free audit track on their courses. If so, then you're in luck. The edX team is made up scientists and professors from Harvard and MIT. They created the online learning platform to make higher education more accessible to the public. edX is now used by more than 35,000,000 people annually since its inception. Unlike traditional online courses they are open to everyone who wishes to take them. The site has courses ranging from science to tech, including cybersecurity and web development.

Instructors sometimes allow learners to enroll directly by email. This requires learners follow a link sent by their instructor. edX allows for free enrollment into the audit track. Audit track enrollment does NOT result in a certificate, unlike paid courses. On edX, you can search for the audit track option. However, there are restrictions. To enroll on edX you must present a valid photo ID and other information.

define elearning

Other professional education courses are offered.

EdX offers continuing education, executive education, corporate management and other professional development courses in addition to its MBA programs. The courses usually last less than six weeks and are focused on real-world learnings. You have the option of taking instructor-led courses or you can take self-paced classes. Students can choose to study at their own pace and submit their assignments whenever they want. A few edX courses even offer financial aid.

You can take edX courses in English, Spanish and Mandarin. They are taught mainly in English but they also offer courses in many other languages with English subtitles. The company plans to add more languages to its offerings in the near future. Usually, edX courses include weekly learning sequences with short videos, interactive exercises and tutorial videos. Some edX courses offer certification.


What are some of the e-learning resources?

Interactive media, such audio, video, and animation are the best ways to present learning content.

These media allow learners interact with the content directly. They increase learner engagement as well as retention.

Online courses often contain video, audio, text and interactive features.

These courses are available for free or for a nominal fee.

Some examples include:

  • Online courses
  • Virtual classrooms
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Video tutorials
  • E-learning modules that you can self-program
  • Interactive
  • Social networking sites, (SNS).
  • Blogs
  • Wikis
  • Discussion forums
  • Chat rooms
  • Email lists
  • Forums
  • Quizzes
  • Polls
  • Questionnaires

How do you choose the right eLearning platform to use for your business?

There are thousands of eLearning platforms available today. Some platforms are free, while others can be more expensive.

There are some things you should ask yourself before making a choice between these options.

  • Do I want to create my own learning materials? You can create your own eLearning courses with a variety of free tools. These include Adobe Captivate (Articulate Storyline), Lectora (iSpring Suite), and Camtasia.
  • Do you want to purchase pre-made eLearning courses Pre-packaged courses can be purchased from many companies. They can cost anywhere from $20 to 100 dollars per course. Mindjet and Edusoft are the most well-known.
  • Are you looking for a mix of both? Many people find that combining their own materials and those of a company produces the best results.
  • Which option is right? It all depends on what your situation is. If you are new to eLearning, then you may want to start out by creating your own materials. However, after you have gained some experience, it may be worth looking into purchasing pre-designed courses.

Is eLearning effective for learning?

E-learning can be used to deliver learning content anywhere and anytime. It provides learners with access to information anytime, anywhere.

E-learning also allows you to deliver training programs on demand without the need for expensive travel costs or classroom space.

How do I start eLearning?

Start small if your knowledge of creating online courses is not sufficient. You could try creating a simple quiz or short tutorial.

After mastering this skill, you will be able to move on with more challenging projects. You can start by creating lessons with pre-built HTML templates if you are not comfortable with HTML.

What are the different types of e-learning? What are their goals?

There are three major categories of e-learning:

  1. Content delivery – This type is e-learning that provides information to students. These include lesson plans and textbooks.
  2. Instructional design is a type of eLearning that focuses on teaching learners skills. Simulators and tutorials are examples.
  3. Learning management - This type of eLearning provides tools for instructors to organize and monitor student activity. Examples include discussion forums and virtual classrooms.


  • Interestingly, students' participation in online training grew by 142% in the past year alone, indicating how quality education and up-to-date teaching pedagogy are preferred by learners and working professionals to upskill across India. (economictimes.indiatimes.com)
  • E-learning is intended to enhance individual-level performance, and therefore intend to use of e-learning should be predicted by a learner's preference for self-enhancement (Veiga, Floyd, & Dechant, 2001). (sciencedirect.com)
  • India's PC market clocks 9.2% growth to 3.4 million units in the September quarter (economictimes.indiatimes.com)
  • Reliability, validity, and descriptive statistics (The Gambia). Empty CellCRAVEMeanSDACBICOEEHABHEHMPEPOPVSESITRAC0.770.635.080.842) in behavioral intention to use e-learning in The Gambia (53%) and the UK (52%), (sciencedirect.com)

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Why is eLearning important?

E-Learning can be a great way for companies to keep employees interested at all times. They are able to learn from one another and from experts. This helps them stay competitive and gain valuable knowledge.

E-Learning offers employees the opportunity to interact with one another, creating a sense community.

E-Learning is gaining popularity due to its cost effectiveness and efficiency. Companies realize they don’t have to employ additional staff to help their existing employees.

The following are some benefits of elearning

  1. Low cost - You don't need to spend a lot on expensive equipment like projectors and computers. All you need is access to the internet.
  2. E-Learning offers high efficiency and saves money over traditional training methods.
  3. Flexibility: Employees can take elearning wherever they are. They don't have to attend class to receive training.
  4. Modification - E-learning can be customized in any format. It can be presented any way that meets the needs of the learner.
  5. Self-paced - Learners can work on it when they want to without having to worry about being graded.
  6. Interactive - Elearning allows learners to interact via discussions and polls.
  7. Accessible - E-learning is accessible to anyone who has an internet connection.
  8. Interactivity - E-learning encourages interaction between teachers and students. This makes learning enjoyable and exciting.
  9. Relevance - Elearning is relevant to the learner’s current job. This means that the learner can immediately use the knowledge he/she gained.
  10. Social Learning - Elearning allows learners to exchange ideas and experience with one another. This promotes peer learning and collaboration among them.
  11. Collaboration – E-learning allows learners the opportunity to work together. This enhances communication skills and teamwork.
  12. Personalized Learning: E-learning gives individuals the ability to personalize their learning experience. This makes it more engaging and enjoyable.
  13. Online Communities – People can form virtual communities using e-learning. This creates a sense that they are part of a larger community.
  14. Peer Feedback--E-learning gives learners feedback based on their performance. This motivates them and helps them improve their performance.
  15. Repeatability – E-learning can easily be repeated when necessary.
  16. Portability - E-learning content can be accessed from different devices like laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.
  17. Scalability - Elearning is easy to scale.
  18. Multimedia Content - Elearning uses multimedia content in order to enhance learning.
  19. Digital Library - E-learning offers digital libraries where learners can store their resources. These can be easily retrieved at a later date.
  20. Mobile Learning: E-learning can now also be delivered via mobile phones, tablets, and other devices.
  21. Adaptive Learning - E-learning adapts to the individual learner's ability level.
  22. Gamification - Elearning integrates game elements into the learning process. This increases motivation and engagement.
  23. Virtual Classrooms: E-learning allows teachers and students to communicate via virtual classrooms.
  24. Realtime Communication - E-learning facilitates real-time communication between teachers and learners.
  25. Remote Learning-E-learning is conducted remotely by both the student and the teacher.
  26. Distance Education – E-learning can be described as distance education, because it is done over a long time.
  27. Open Source Learning- E-learning utilizes open source software so everyone can access the same material.


Before you make any purchase, be sure to read the EdX Review